Over 3,000 of our graduates now have writing careers. Want to join them?

Learn exactly how to write the kinds of scripts most in demand in the current marketplace.

Do any of this highly sought-after training on your schedule, at your convenience.


Story Engines. It’s simply impossible to sell a feature or pilot script in the current marketplace without a properly constructed long form bisociation story engine. You won’t find this training anywhere else. Watch the first few videos for free. This training is $199, but before you purchase it, you might want to peek down this page at the Super Pro Writing Bundle.

Start Your Script The Right Way. Industry gatekeepers won’t read past the first scene or two if they’re not absolutely enthralled. Come learn a step-by-step process for how to design and write an opening that can truly stand out and make them have to keep reading. Learn more here.  $149.99

Write Now. Do you struggle with self-doubt, procrastination, anxiety, self-sabotage or perfectionism? I can help set you free, or at least point you in the right direction. Click here to finally reach your full writing potential. $44.99.

Script Testing. Know where your scripts are succeeding, where they are falling short, and exactly how to fix those weaknesses. Professional writers always test their scripts before showing them to anyone in the industry, and so should you. Click here to learn how. $149.99

Creating Concepts That Sell. One of the main keys of selling your script or pitch in the current marketplace is to build it around a unique properly heightened-concept. Click here to let me give you a step-by-step process for doing that. $99.99.


*** Save over 50% with the Super Saver Pro Writing Bundle that contains all of the above courses for only $384.


“Corey replaces the rules with tools!! His classes were revolutionary to us.
Not only is his teaching style beautiful and inspiring,
the content will blow your mind
and elevate your writing like nothing else out there!”

– – –


Academy Award nominated writers of

All Quiet on The Western Front


“Corey’s idea of creative integration isn’t just revolutionary, it’s fundamental to successful writing,

I can’t recommend his classes highly enough.”

– – –


Former Studio and Network President,

and Academy Award Winning Producer



